Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Review: Wicked Lasers Elite 125+

When the guys at WickedLasers contacted me to review one of their products I must admit that I originally wasn’t very interested. In glancing over their website I figured the company just offered laser pointers and as far as I was concerned a laser pointer wasn’t going to make for a very good review. Well, I was very mistaken to call what they offered just simple laser pointers.

Don’t get me wrong. The company does offer laser pointers, but not many laser pointers are military quality grade or have enough power to melt rubber and plastics or light cigars and cigarettes. The company offers blue, red and green lasers. In fact, they sell the highest powered green laser pointers in the world.

After reading about them, I had to try out one of the company’s green lasers. So, they sent me one of their Elite Series 125+ lasers. Again, this isn’t just a laser pointer. After all, the laser they sent me has a retail value of US$599.99. That’s a price you would expect from a pen sized laser which can actually melt and burn objects.

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