Thursday, October 23, 2008

WickerLasers Elite Series Review: Burny

Giving a man of any age a powerful laser is like giving a bear an AK-47: it's in his very nature to point it at things and look menacing. Thankfully, the bear is rarely able to do any damage - no trigger finger - but the man, be he 16 or 65 or 33, will definitely aim it at something that will inevitably reflect the laser back into his own eyes, rendering him temporarily blind and making him freak out thinking that he is now sightless. I speak, friends, from experience.

WickedLasers makes, well, wicked lasers. Instead of the standard red-dot laser pointer you buy at Odd Lots, WickedLaser imports amazingly powerful and expensive lasers for the home hobbyist.

So read on, laser troopers, for a bit more info and a contest.

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